7 Weird Reasons Why Your Dog Sits On Your Pillow + 3 Tips (2024)

7 Weird Reasons Why Your Dog Sits On Your Pillow + 3 Tips (1)

There’s one thing I’m sure that all humans on this planet can agree with. We love comfy pillows.

We’re all about coziness.

And your dog can relate. Because they love sitting on your pillow.

It almost seems as if you have a human family member in a dog’s body.

What’s up with this behavior?

Read on to learn:

  • 7 reasons why your dog sits on your pillow.
  • 3 tips on how to stop your dog from sitting there.
  • What you can do to make your pooch move away if they don’t want to.
  • And a lot more…

Table of contents

  • Why does my dog sit on my pillow?
  • 7 reasons why your dog sits on your pillow
    • #1: Your dog finds your bed a secure place
    • #2: Your dog is protective of you
    • #3: Your dog likes the comfort your pillow provides
    • #4: Your dog has separation anxiety
    • #5: Your dog is fearful
    • #6: Your dog is territorial
    • #7: Your dog wants a bonding session
    • BONUS: Your dog is feeling cold
  • 3 tips on what to do to stop your dog from sitting on your pillow
    • #1: Provide a sleeping space for your dog
    • #2: Train your dog to sleep in their spot
    • #3: Teach your dog to go to their spot

Why does my dog sit on my pillow?

Your dog sits on your pillow for comfort. They may also feel secure there. Other reasons include separation anxiety or just being protective of you. If your dog is afraid, they might go on your pillow to sniff your scent. This calms them down. Sitting on your pillow is also a way to bond with you.

You want to pay more attention to your dog’s certain behaviors while sitting on your pillow. Or how they react when you move them aside.

7 reasons why your dog sits on your pillow

#1: Your dog finds your bed a secure place

Your dog finds your bed a secure place.

Dogs stick to their dog parents to feel safe.

Your dog follows you when you throw yourself on the bed. Nothing new under the sun.

As you lay your head against your pillow, your dog sits on the other one.

Your pooch stays like that as long as you’re there. That’s because they’re a pack animal by nature. And you’re their human pack.

As you know, pack animals go together. And protect each other. Because if they split, this makes them vulnerable to threats.

So your dog goes wherever part of the house you go.

“But why the bed in particular?”

I mean, sometimes your dog sits on the pillow in bed even if you aren’t around. You catch them when you arrive home from work or school.

Well, your bed is special to your dog.

This is because your scent sticks to your pillows. Dogs can recognize the smell of their dog parents, and they will get attached to it.

Even if you’re not at home, they find comfort in objects that smell like their humans. These include your pillows and clothes.

Dogs have more olfactory receptors in their noses than humans have. They have evolved to have a strong sense of smell.

Read also: What makes your dog sleep on your clothes? 7 real reasons explained

#2: Your dog is protective of you

A dog is a “man’s best friend” for a reason. You protect them, and they protect you.

They can sense chemical changes in your body when you’re sick, nervous, or scared.

Your pooch can even serve as emotional support during those times. For example, they may try to comfort you by getting physically closer to you. One way they can do that is by laying their head on you.

Your furry friend would also try to prevent others from coming near you when you’re sick. It’s their instinct to care for you.

So they might turn into the guard dog you never knew you had. Or, a watchdog (if they’re a small breed).

Dogs are known for being loyal. So they may watch over you while sleeping if they sense the need to do so.

Check out also: Do Pomeranians make good guard dogs? The Truth + What To Expect

#3: Your dog likes the comfort your pillow provides

7 Weird Reasons Why Your Dog Sits On Your Pillow + 3 Tips (2)

The most common reason why your fur baby likes sitting on your pillow? Simple! It’s comfortable.

Some dogs like to curl up to sleep. And they do it in a soft spot. It could be in their own dog bed. Or on the couch, on the piled laundry, or on your pillows.

Well, they make pillows for comfort! It is not a surprise that dogs would also indulge in the warmth they get from sitting on one.

Sometimes your dog would settle on the cool floor in the house. But there are also times they’d prefer soft objects to lay and sit on.

Further reading: Why does my dog sleep on my side of the bed? 13 weird reasons for the behavior

#4: Your dog has separation anxiety

Does your dog seem to panic whenever you’re leaving the house?

Dogs with separation anxiety show problematic behavior. It happens when you leave them alone.

Here are some signs of separation anxiety in dogs.

  • Digging.
  • Vomiting.
  • Peeing more.
  • Howling or barking.
  • Trembling or whining.
  • Destroying items of furniture.
  • Refusing to eat their food or treats.
  • Excessive drooling or panting due to stress.

Your pooch is not comfortable with your absences. They’ll want to stick with you as much as possible.

When you’re about to leave, they’ll whine and try to clome with you. After they’re alone in the house, they’ll attempt to escape.

When you lay on your bed, your dog will jump on it and sleep with you. This gives your dog a sense of security. Because if you attempt to get up and go elsewhere, they’ll be aware of it.

Bear in mind that it’ll take some time to teach your dog to cope with your absence. This will require a lot of patience and consistency from your side.

You might also want to read: Why Is My Dog So Attached To Me? 15 Reasons + 7 Easy Tips

#5: Your dog is fearful

Some dogs prefer to hide in certain spots when they’re afraid. For instance, a dog that hears a thunderstorm might hide under the table. Or, they may retreat to the bathroom.

Other dogs would run to their human in stressful situations. As a fur parent, you are a safe haven for your dog. Pretty much what parents are to small children.

This could be the reason your dog hides in your room. It’s the place where you chill most of the time. So your pooch knows they can find you there.

Keep in mind that the stressors might not only be external. They could also come from the house. Some examples include other pets, overwhelming noise, strangers, or visitors.

Some signals that your fearful dog may display include:

  • Trembling.
  • Dilated pupils.
  • Slow movement.
  • Pacing or panting.
  • Refusing to eat their food or treats.
  • Moving away from an object, person, or situation.

You might also be interested in: Is your dog afraid of the water bowl? Discover 11 real reasons why + 7 easy tips

#6: Your dog is territorial

“How would I know if my dog is becoming territorial?”

Territorial dogs guard what they believe to be their own. These include toys, food bowls, or other items they don’t want to share with other dogs.

Not only items but also spots which they perceive as their territory. Your dog protects them against anyone – even you.

They sit on your pillows if they want to. They may snap and snarl toward you when you attempt to move them aside.

If you don’t correct the behavior, it may turn into aggression. This can pose a danger to other dogs. And even cause a threat to humans.

If this happens, look for the help of a dog trainer.

Read next: 7 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Suddenly Aggressive To Your Other Dog + 3 Tips To Solve It

#7: Your dog wants a bonding session

I already mentioned that separation anxiety might cause your dog to want you nearby.

If you are too busy to play with them, they may resort to some mischievous behaviors.

They can sit on your pillows and roll over your bed. They do this to get your attention so you could spend some time together.

Playing or being next to each other can strengthen the bond between you and your fur baby.

So why not give your dog a chance and take a break while they are still here? Play with them, even if it’s for 10 minutes.

You will see that’ll make them cheerful. You’ll notice their tail wagging out of excitement.

BONUS: Your dog is feeling cold

7 Weird Reasons Why Your Dog Sits On Your Pillow + 3 Tips (3)

Think about it. Does your four-legged best friend sit on your pillows during the coldest months of the year?

Then your dog needs warmth, and they find it there. They want to take a break from walking across the cold floor inside the house.

Are they curled up like a bagel? It’s your dog’s attempt to preserve heat.

Sometimes they would tremble or shake, which are both signs of chilliness.

If you understand your pup better, you should know whether they can cope with cold weather.

Dogs with little or no hair need extra attention from their dog parents. There are certain breeds that don’t tolerate the cold.

For example Chihuahuas and Pomeranians.

You might have seen such dogs clothed. Since these are toy breeds, they look cute when dressed up.

This leaves many people wondering if Chihuahuas need clothes. And if Pomeranians have to wear sweaters. Especially since the latter have a lot of fur.

I mean, it looks like a fashion trend, doesn’t it?

But let me tell you this…

If you don’t want your dog sitting on your pillow, provide them with a proper sweater. Choose the one that is free from zippers so as not to irritate them.

Make sure you prepare them before the coldest months arrive.

3 tips on what to do to stop your dog from sitting on your pillow

#1: Provide a sleeping space for your dog

You should provide your pawed baby with a place of security. It should be their own so they can have some privacy when they need it. It can be a crate, a dog bed, or both.

Let’s talk about the crate option first.

To ensure they’re comfy, consider the size. Your dog should have enough space to turn and move around freely.

Also, be sure to crate train your pooch gradually. That way they’ll be able to relax without feeling anxious or trapped in there.

Because if you rush things and you force them into the crate, they might hate it.

But whether you get them a crate or not…

A dog bed is a must. After your dog sleeps a bit in it, they’ll spread their scent there. That’s how they’ll claim it as their own spot.

There are advantages to getting a bed for your dog.

  • You are giving them their special place.
  • It helps prevent aggression or other behavioral issues.
  • They will feel warm and comfortable on their own during cold months.
  • A bed for dogs is an excellent idea for fur parents who are prone to allergies.
  • Getting them a suitable bed caters to their needs to ensure their optimum health.

#2: Train your dog to sleep in their spot

After you provide your dog with a bed, you have to get them used to it. You can achieve it through positive reinforcement training.

This will be helpful to your pup. Especially if they have separation anxiety.

What you have to do is to:

  1. Show the bed to your four-legged friend.
  2. Pick the best spot to put the bed. If they want to be near you and you don’t mind, then have the bed in your room.
  3. Use the “go to bed” command to have them get onto the bed. If they respond positively, be generous with the treats for a job well done.
  4. Make them remember the command by practicing daily.
  5. If your dog leaves their bed during the night, offer a treat to redirect them there.

#3: Teach your dog to go to their spot

Pick a spot in the house that will be for your dog. After you do that, place a towel or a dog mat in that place.

Then train them there.

Here’s how in X easy steps:

Step 1: Show your dog the towel/mat

7 Weird Reasons Why Your Dog Sits On Your Pillow + 3 Tips (4)

Introduce the towel/mat to your dog. Let them sniff it.

Step 2: Let them touch it

This will be easier if your dog knows how to give a paw. Or nudges the towel with their nose. But the point here is that your dog touches the towel/mat in one way or another.

The only exception is if your pooch tries to bite the towel/mat. It’s easy for them to mistake it for a tug toy in the beginning.

Just make sure you don’t reward them for that. If they attempt to bite it, say a firm “NO” and wait for your dog to stop. Then give it another go.

Step 3: Have something your dog likes

O.K, let’s get something straight. Dogs are intelligent beings. But that doesn’t mean they’ll do what you want just because they can.

That’s where you come in. You have to motivate them. Show them why it’s good for them to listen to you.

It’s kind of like persuading an employee to accept the job you’re offering them. I mean, what would you do? You’d voice out what’s in it for them of course.

But how to communicate this to your doggo?

You must choose a reward that your dog likes. Some dogs are food-driven. Other dogs might go crazy at the sight of a specific toy. May it be a ball. Or a frisbee.

Know thy dog. And choose wisely!

Step 4: Reward your dog

Your dog has now touched their towel/mat. It’s time to reward them immediately after. This is to ensure they link the action to getting rewarded. Either by receiving a treat or by letting them have their toy.

Even if your dog doesn’t do exactly what you want, it’s essential to reward them for trying. Because each try gets them closer to the aim.

Step 5: Tell your dog to “sit” or “lie down”

Your dog has to know these commands first. Once they do, it’ll be a piece of cake to make them sit or lie down on the towel/mat.

After they do, reward them again.

Step 6: Introduce distance

Don’t go overboard now. I don’t mean go 5 meters away from the towel/mat.

First, stand a meter or 2 away. Then point your dog to the towel/mat. And give the “sit” or “lie down” command again.

If they do it, reward them. If they get closer to the towel/mat, reward them again. Show them they’re on the right track.

For a visual representation of how it works, check out the video below:

The aim is to get them used to spend time in that place. Then, by doing something fun together, your dog learns this is a good place for them to stay.

This tip not only helps during times you want your bed by yourself.

It can also be an excellent way to prevent unwanted behaviors. Some of which are jumping on visitors or begging at the table.

You can boost your dog’s love of their place by giving them treats.

You can also provide special items in that spot which they will like.

One of these could be a T-shirt you’ve recently worn. And haven’t washed. It may sound a bit weird to you. But this can be a blessing for your dog. As they’ll associate its smell with you.

Another thing to do is to leave some of their favorite toys there. To make sure your dog stays interested in them, choose puzzle ones. These ensure your dog stays occupied even when you’re not there.

Related posts:

  1. 11 Surprising Reasons Why Your Dog Sits Behind You + 3 Tips
  2. 13 Extraordinary Reasons Why Your Dog Sits In Front Of You
  3. 13 Reasons Why Your Dog Sits In Your Spot + 7 Tips
  4. 13 Unexpected Reasons Why Dogs Sit In High Places + 3 Tips
7 Weird Reasons Why Your Dog Sits On Your Pillow + 3 Tips (2024)


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Part of a dog's comfort is belonging to the pack and having familiar smells nearby. When you're out of the house for the day, your dog misses you. If he's sitting on pillows from your bed or the one you use while on the couch all the time, those are cloaked in your scent.

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It's a sign of affection, closeness, and connection, and your 'furkid' is saying that it feels safe to be with you. It's a continuation of the bonding process that began when you and your dog first met each other. Your dog is reassured by your presence and it needs constant confirmation that you are there for him.

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When your dog sleeps right next to you, he is demonstrating trust in his “alpha” human. Your immediate presence provides the security and comfort pack dogs instinctively seek during slumber.

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It could be love and affection and a sign that you are part of his pack and family. It could also be dominance and a way for him to tell you he's in control of the space and control of you. When dogs are born, they stick with their littermates and often pile on top of each other and their mom.

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If your dog follows you everywhere then it's a sign that they trust and love you and that you make them feel safe. Following you very closely can be a sign that they're bored, they want something, they're feeling scared or are just being nosy.

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Your dog may just feel that you have a better spot. He enjoys your scent and the warmth you left behind, so taking your place makes a lot of sense.

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  • Wants to Sleep Near You. ...
  • Gives You Loving Eyes & Holds Eye Contact. ...
  • Checks In On You. ...
  • Licks You. ...
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As social animals, dogs choose the person or people who give them plenty of love, attention, and positive experiences. Let your dog be a dog and enjoy hanging out with and being in that person's presence, whether it's you or someone else. But don't give up on being one of the favorites!

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Yes, your dog knows how much you love him! Dogs and humans have a very special relationship, where dogs have hijacked the human oxytocin bonding pathway normally reserved for our babies. When you stare at your dog, both your oxytocin levels go up, the same as when you pet them and play with them.

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In addition to a way to say "I love you," your dog might paw at you if it needs something like food or a potty break. Anxious dogs might also paw at you for comfort or to request some space. Other dogs may paw at you to signify they need some activity time.

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Just as humans stare into the eyes of someone they adore, dogs will stare at their owners to express affection. In fact, mutual staring between humans and dogs releases oxytocin, known as the love hormone. This chemical plays an important role in bonding and boosts feelings of love and trust.

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In this case, answering why your dog sleeps with their back to you may be as simple as that's how they're most comfortable. It may also be a sign that your dog feels completely relaxed around you. For the most part, it's generally not a big deal when dogs sleep with their bums facing you.

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Reasons Why Dogs Sleep With Their Bums Facing You

One reason is that they are showing trust. A dog's instinct is to respond to potential danger, positioning his body to react quickly. By sleeping with his bum facing you, he is showing you trust and letting his guard down.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.