8 Ways to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time in Pregnancy - Pregged.com (2024)

8 Ways to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time in Pregnancy - Pregged.com (1)

Pregnancy has a habit of knocking the energy out of you.

Whilst some women experience a surge in energy levels during that second trimester period, others are simply wiped out through the entire nine months.

Whichever camp you fall into there are certainly going to be times during pregnancy when you feel absolutely exhausted.

There is usually nothing to worry about when it comes to tiredness in pregnancy.

It’s a totally normal symptom, especially in the first trimester.

But if you do feel worried about how tired you’re feeling you should have a chat with your doctor or midwife just to rule out any underlying causes, perhaps an iron deficiency or something similar.

Tiredness during those months when you’re growing a baby inside you is something that comes to every pregnant woman.

How hard it becomes depends upon the other responsibilities you have in your life, e.g. if you have other children, if you have a demanding job, if you’re a carer for an elderly parent, or if your partner is simply not very helpful!

Pregnancy in itself is tiring because not only do you have discomfort as pregnancy advances but you also have many potential symptoms disrupting your sleep.

Constant trips to pee, restless legs syndrome, or back pain can keep you awake at night.

Whatever your situation the good news is that there are many ways you try and grab back some energy and get some rest.

Remember one size doesn’t fit all so it could be that not all of our upcoming suggestions work for you – they’re worth a try though, right?

1. Fuel up on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Your diet is your number one source of energy regardless of whether you’re pregnant or not.

To that aim, fuel up on plenty of fruits and vegetables to give you a natural boost of energy.

Anything sugary or processed is just going to give you energy crashes and that could contribute to your overall tiredness.

Bananas are a great source of energy so munch away!

2. Don’t Go Too Long Without Eating

It stands to reason that you need to eat regularly, in order to keep your energy levels up. During that first trimester when your hormones are all over the place, you may notice your tiredness is particularly bad.

If you can eat often, in small amounts you will give your body a constant source of fuel without it becoming lacking in energy due to hunger.

3. Water is Your Friend

Water is fantastic for everything health-wise, but drinking a glass of water when you feel tired could be enough to perk you up.

Yes, you’re going to need to pee more, so perhaps don’t drink too much before bed, but throughout the day more water could be just what you need.

8 Ways to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time in Pregnancy - Pregged.com (2)

4. Make Yourself Comfortable at Night

There are a million different things which could potentially keep a pregnant woman awake at night, not least her own mind going over everything she needs to do before the impending arrival.

Regardless of why you’re not getting a good night’s sleep make sure you’re as comfortable as possible.

Wear loose clothing and try putting a pillow between your legs to give you extra support and comfort.

5. Share The Chores

You are pregnant and you do not have to do it all.

Many women feel that they have to carry on ticking a million boxes every day during pregnancy, but give yourself a break!

We know you’re not ill, but come on, you’re doing something amazing in there and you need rest.

To that aim, share out the chores with those in your house.

If they moan about it, unleash the hormones!

6. Have Regular Pit-stopsThroughout The Day

If you feel tired, there is nothing wrong with sitting and having a minute.

Rest whenever you can, and you will recharge your batteries.

If you continue to push yourself unnecessarily, you’re just going to feel ten times worse.

So, grab a nice cup of teaand you have permission to put those feet up for ten minutes.

If you need a quick power nap, go for it.

Not everyone feels that great after having a quick nap, but if you’re one of those people who find extra energy in a quick snooze, give it a try.

7. Try Gentle Exercise

Exercise is an energizer, so why not try some gentle stretches, or even go to a pregnancy yoga class on a regular basis?

This could help give you an extra boost of energy when you really need it, as well as helping you avoid putting on extra weight during your pregnancy.

8. Try Relaxation Techniques

Sometimes it’s not the actual tiredness that is exhausting you, it’s the fact you can’t sleep well at night.

Trying a few easy relaxation techniques could help you nod off much easier, and can also promote a better night’s sleep on a regular basis. These techniques are so easy anyone can do them.

Try a glass of warm milk, avoid watching TV or checking your phone/social media before bed, listen to chill out music, or even try meditating.

If you don’t know where to start with meditation, simply try breathing in for a count of five through your nose, hold it for five, and then breathe out through your mouth for five. Repeat this and see how chilled your body feels after a couple of minutes.

Sleep will come your way!

Tiredness is unfortunately part of the deal when it comes to pregnancy, and of course, after your little bundle of joy is born, it’s not likely to get any easier.

Despite all of that, there are plenty of ways you can learn to cope with it, reduce it, and manage your sleep pattern, so that you get the rest you need, and help you to continue as normal.


As an expert in maternal health and pregnancy, I've dedicated years of study and research to understanding the various aspects of this transformative period in a woman's life. My expertise is grounded in both academic knowledge and practical experience, having worked closely with healthcare professionals and pregnant individuals.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article and provide additional information:

  1. Pregnancy-Related Fatigue:

    • Expert Insight: Fatigue is a common symptom during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. It can be attributed to hormonal changes, increased metabolic demands, and disruptions in sleep patterns.
    • Additional Information: While tiredness is normal, persistent or extreme fatigue should be discussed with a healthcare provider to rule out underlying issues like iron deficiency.
  2. Managing Energy Levels:

    • Expert Insight: Balancing energy levels during pregnancy is crucial, considering the physical and emotional demands. Effective management involves a combination of lifestyle adjustments and nutritional choices.
    • Additional Information: The article suggests several strategies, including maintaining a healthy diet, eating regularly in smaller amounts, and staying hydrated.
  3. Nutritional Strategies:

    • Expert Insight: Proper nutrition is vital for both maternal and fetal well-being. Fresh fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, provide essential vitamins and minerals, offering a natural energy boost.
    • Additional Information: Sugary and processed foods can lead to energy crashes, emphasizing the importance of choosing nutrient-dense options.
  4. Hydration:

    • Expert Insight: Staying well-hydrated is essential for overall health, and it can contribute to combating fatigue. Adequate water intake supports various bodily functions, helping pregnant individuals feel more energized.
    • Additional Information: While increasing water consumption is encouraged, it's essential to manage intake before bedtime to avoid excessive trips to the bathroom.
  5. Sleep Comfort:

    • Expert Insight: Quality sleep is vital during pregnancy. Discomforts like frequent urination, restless legs syndrome, or back pain can disrupt sleep. Creating a comfortable sleeping environment is crucial for improving rest.
    • Additional Information: Wearing loose clothing and using additional support, such as a pillow between the legs, can enhance comfort.
  6. Sharing Responsibilities:

    • Expert Insight: Pregnancy is a significant physical and emotional undertaking. Sharing household responsibilities with others is a practical way to reduce stress and fatigue.
    • Additional Information: Delegating tasks can be beneficial, and partners and family members should understand the importance of supporting the pregnant individual.
  7. Rest and Relaxation:

    • Expert Insight: Taking breaks and incorporating moments of rest throughout the day is essential for managing fatigue. Gentle exercise, short naps, and relaxation techniques contribute to overall well-being.
    • Additional Information: The article suggests activities like pregnancy yoga and gentle stretches to boost energy levels and promote relaxation.
  8. Relaxation Techniques:

    • Expert Insight: Addressing sleep difficulties is crucial during pregnancy. Relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises, warm milk, and avoiding screen time before bed, can improve sleep quality.
    • Additional Information: Meditation and calming activities contribute to better sleep, positively impacting overall energy levels.

In conclusion, pregnancy-related tiredness is a common and expected aspect of the journey. By implementing these evidence-based strategies, individuals can effectively manage fatigue, promoting a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy experience.

8 Ways to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time in Pregnancy - Pregged.com (2024)
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