IPS Hilversum Violenschool (Hilversum) | Scholen op de kaart (2024)

Rembrandtlaan 30 1213 BH Hilversum

IPS Hilversum Violenschool (Hilversum) | Scholen op de kaart (1)
  • Basisonderwijs
  • Openbaar
  • 384 leerlingen

In het kort

Toelichting van de school

This SchoolVenster provides you with an insight into IPS Hilversum. The information provided is from DUO, the Dutch inspectorate and the school. Where necessary, figures and facts will be explained. In this way it is the intention that SchoolVenster will be a source of reliable and balanced information.

The information given can relate to a number of locations occupied over the past years and, sometimes, includes data from our Dutch department. This can give an incorrect impression.Please refer to our website www.ipshilversum.nl and our School Guide for specific and up to date information.

Missie en visie

  • Wat is de missie en visie van deze school?

    The motto of the school is "Quality For All and All For Quality".

    Ourmissionat the International PrimarySchoolHilversum, as an IB WorldSchool, is to develop internationally minded global citizens, encompassing students of all nationalities through an inquiry based approach, within the Dutch state system.We provide each student with a diverse, intercultural education in a safe, supportive environment that promotes self-discipline, agency, motivation and excellence in learning through the English language, while drawing on multilingual resources.

    In the vision of the IB are central concepts: development, care, striving for a better, peaceful world, intercultural education and respect. Besides the IB, school participates in the Dutch network of international schools named Dutch International Schools.

  • Op welke manier geeft deze school invulling aan de identiteit?

    IPS Hilversum caters for the needs and demands of the 21st Century. We recognize diversity as both a fact and a strength. We facilitate transition for students, and therefore their families, to be able to move around the world while enriching their identity as opposed to hiding, forgetting or losing it. Our approach to education is transdisciplinary and our beliefs, values and mission cut through any barriers and boundaries set up by politics, religions, prejudices and fears. Without schools such as ours, there is a danger of our future regressing into a repeat of our familiar but failing present.

    Education itself can never be ‘neutral’ or ‘value free’. IPS Hilversum should not and does not want to be neutral or value free. We have strong interlocked beliefs and values that are relevant to all students and educators that are the driving force behind our mission and vision.

    How we view the world: We believe that every child should enjoy going to school. To achieve this, it is essential that a school create a safe, welcoming, peaceful and ordered environment. This applies not only to the children. It is equally important to all the other members of the school community – the teachers, assistants, management and parents.

    What we want to achieve: The motto, 'Quality for All and All for Quality’, was designed to represent all we stand for and value. This motto is the essenceof our mission statement which itself encompasses the school’s vision and ambitions.

Kenmerken van de school

  • IB World School
  • Agency
  • Inquiry Based
  • Concept Driven
  • Transdisciplinary

Hoeveel leerlingen zitten op deze school?

Toelichting van de school

The information shown in the charts regarding student numbers is related to a number of locations we have occupied over the past years and includes data from our Dutch department. This does give an incorrect impression.

On the counting date 1st October 2020 we had 432 international students spread over three locations.

On the counting date 1st October 2021 we expect to have a similar number of international students still spread over three locations.

Weergave aantal leerlingen

Landelijk gemiddelde

Verdeling naar leerjaar en leeftijd

Verdeling naar leerjaar en leeftijd toont hoe de leerlingen op deze school zijn verdeeld naar leerjaar en naar leeftijd. Ook wordt de verdeling van de leerlingen vergeleken met de verdeling van de leerlingen op een vergelijkbare school.

Weergave Aantal leerlingen, verdeling naar leerjaar en leeftijd

Schooltijden en opvang

Bij schooltijden en opvang wordt getoond hoe de school de schooldag inricht. Zichtbaar is welk rooster de school hanteert en welke vrije dagen en vakanties er zijn. Daarnaast is te zien of er voor- of naschoolse opvang is georganiseerd en zo ja, hoe en waar dat geregeld is.

Veelgestelde vragen

  • Alles wat je wilt weten over de opvang:

    Hoe wordt opvang geregeld?

    Opvang voor schooltijd
    • In samenwerking met BINK
    Tussenschoolse opvang
    • Door leerkracht/team
    • In samenwerking met ouders
    Opvang na schooltijd
    • In samenwerking met BINK

    Waar vindt de opvang plaats?

    Opvang voor schooltijd
    In het schoolgebouw
    Tussenschoolse opvang
    In het schoolgebouw
    Opvang na schooltijd
    In het schoolgebouw

    Zijn er kosten voor de ouders?

    Opvang voor schooltijd
    Tussenschoolse opvang
    Opvang na schooltijd
  • Wanneer zijn de vrije dagen en schoolvakanties?

    VanTot en met
  • Is er opvang tijdens vrije dagen en schoolvakanties?


  • Wie is op welke momenten bereikbaar?

    AllMonday - Friday08:00-16:30
Weergave Schooltijden en opvang

Welk rooster hanteert deze school?

Traditionele schooltijden

middagpauze, één of meerdere middagen per week vrij

Anders, namelijk:

Full details of all school times can be found on our website in the School Guide.

Opmerkingen bij het rooster
ZaterdagNo school
ZondagNo school

Handige informatie

  • Op welke manier worden ouders betrokken bij deze school?

    The school provides support for the wider school community through the Parent Support Group (PSG) which has regular communication between school life and home. It involves the parents in school wide events and often supports learning through resource donations.

  • Op welke manier informeert deze school de ouders?

    Parents receive a weekly school newsletter from the school management team. The PSG also send out a weekly bulletin regarding events in the community and school.
  • Hoe kunnen ouders meedenken en -praten over het beleid?

    Ouders praten mee via:

    • Parents' Support Group - see below
    • Medezeggenschapsraad
  • Wat is de klachtenregeling?

    Refer to Section 17 on the School Guide found on the school website.
  • Bij welke activiteiten werkt de school samen met ouders?

    School Council (Medezeggenschapsraad)

    The School Council consists of parent members as well as staff members from both locations. Their task involves approving certain prescribed school policy documents (e.g. school guide, school plan, annual budget, safety plans) and advising management of the viewpoints of these groups on matters affecting the school. A law took effect on January 1st 2007 that further regulates the rights and responsibilities o fboth the School Council (SC) and management by determining in which areas the SC has a purely advisory role and when approval from the SC is necessary for school policy to take effect.

    Parents' Support Group

    The school has a 'Parent Support Group' (PSG) made up of a group of dedicated parents that 'volunteer' their time in supporting teachers in the classroom, providing special events and activities for the children, as well as creating an information and social network for parents.

    More information on the School Council and the PSG can be found in the School Guide on the school website.

  • Wat is de hoogte van de vrijwillige ouderbijdrage?


    Wat wordt met dat geld gedaan?

    • Minor class specific costs for extra items.

    Zijn er overige vrijwillige schoolkosten?


    Wat wordt daarmee betaald?

    There is an annual tuition fee, that is not 'vrijwillig', to cover extra costs incurred as a partially-subsidized Dutch international primary school.

    Full details of tuition fee payment can be found in the school's Terms and Conditions document on the website which is updated annually.

  • Hoe melden ouders hun kind ziek of afwezig?

    Over schoolverzuim

    Scholen zijn verplicht ongeoorloofd schoolverzuim te melden bij de leerplichtambtenaar. Soms kan het zijn dat een leerling niet naar school kan gaan en er sprake is van geoorloofd schoolverzuim. Op de website van de Rijksoverheid (www.rijksoverheid.nl) staat uitgelegd hoe en wanneer er sprake is van geoorloofd verzuim.

    Voorwaarden voor geoorloofd schoolverzuim
    • bij ziekte moet de directeur dit op tijd horen;
    • bij een verplichting vanuit een geloofsovertuiging moet de ouder/voogd de directeur van tevoren informeren;
    • voor afwezigheid wegens een huwelijk of uitvaart moet de directeur vooraf toestemming geven.

    Is het niet mogelijk op vakantie te gaan tijdens de schoolvakanties? Dan kunt u bij de schoolleiding toestemming vragen voor schoolverlof buiten de schoolvakanties.

    Hoe melden ouders hun kind ziek?

    By email or telephoning the school.

    Hoe vragen ouders verlof aan voor hun kind?

    Request for leave of absence form, available from the website or school office.
  • Wat is het toelatingsbeleid?

    - The school enrolls children aged from 4 to 12 years.

    - The school can accept children of non-Dutch nationality temporarily resident in the region.

    - The school can accept children of Dutch nationality, if written proof is provided that their future education and location is expected to be in a country other than The Netherlands, and they will attend another international or English-speaking educational establishment within one to two years. Any extension to this period must be discussed with the headmaster.

    - The school can accept children of Dutch nationality who are returning to The Netherlands having already attended international education or received education in English for a number of years.

    For more details please see school website.

Waar wonen de leerlingen van deze school?

In welk postcodegebied wonen de leerlingen van deze school?

PostcodegebiedAantal leerlingenPercentage

Sociale veiligheid op deze school

Goed leren kan alleen als een kind zich veilig voelt op school, als het zichzelf kan zijn. Scholen hebben daarom regels, plannen en programma’s om het gevoel van veiligheid te vergroten. Zo wordt de veiligheid van een leerling, een klas of de hele school in de gaten gehouden. Wat de school doet en hoe de omgeving en ouders hierbij worden betrokken, dat kan alleen de school je vertellen.

  • Schoolveiligheidsplan
  • Anti-pestprotocol
  • Meldcode Kindermishandeling en huiselijk geweld
  • Welk anti-pestprogramma wordt gebruikt?

    In school we use the program Rocks and Water to support the social emotional development of learners. It is implemented by a specially trained instructor in collaboration with the classroom teachers.
  • Hoe toetst de school de sociale veiligheid?

    De school monitort de sociale en fysieke veiligheid met een vragenlijst afgenomen door/via: Student satisfaction survey and PASS assessments..

    Toelichting van de school

    School conducts BVPO student satisfaction surveys for students annually.

    School conducts external online PASS assessments from GL Education in groups 5-8. This is a measure of a Pupil's Attitude to School and Self. The learning support coordinator analyses and discusses the results of the PASS with each class teacher.

  • Wie is de anti-pestcoördinator of vertrouwenspersoon?


    Mevr. Werner

    Stuur een e-mail


    Mevr. Werner

    Stuur een e-mail

IPS Hilversum Violenschool (Hilversum) | Scholen op de kaart (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.