Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere? (2024)

We’ve all had the experience—you walk to the kitchen to refill your drink, and your little shadow is underfoot. Or you head into the bathroom, only to find a curious nose pushing the door open behind you.

Although you surely enjoy your dog’s companionship and may even like being followed around sometimes, it can get to be a little much. If it causes you or someone else to trip, it can be dangerous as well.

So why do dogs like to follow us everywhere? Can it ever a sign of a deeper problem you need to address? Here are all the answers you need, including when to be concerned and what you can do to stop your dog from following you if it gets to be excessive.

Reasons Dogs Follow You Everywhere

There are many reasons dogs choose to follow us. Probably the most consistent one is that it’s in their genes—throughout history, dogs have been pack animals. When we remove dogs from their canine pack, they simply adopt their human pack instead. The same instincts that kick in with wild dogs are present in our canine companions.

But genetics aren’t the only reason dogs like to follow people.

Dogs are social animals. Just as we enjoy their companionship, they often like ours as well. And what better way to show it than to stick close to your buddy? Further, if your dog was adopted as a young puppy, she may be “imprinted” on you, truly feeling like you are their “dog mother.”

In other cases, some dogs just get bored, so they figure that if you’re doing something, why not tag along? These dogs will often greatly benefit from more exercise.

Lots of pets learn to clue in on daily routines, like the fact that they are fed or walked at certain times. What better way to make sure you don’t forget than to be right there and waiting? We often unconsciously reward this cute behavior, too, by providing food or treats.

Just beware that this can be a double-edged sword, as it makes your dog more likely to repeat the behavior, which might not be something you want.

Occasionally, dogs will stick close to your side if they are nervous, frightened, uncertain of strangers, or not feeling well. This is especially common during thunderstorms and fireworks; dogs see us as their protectors in these events. And the very occasional dog gets so anxious if they are separated from their pet parent that they panic—this is not a good situation for either party.

Why Does My Dog Follow Me and No One Else?

Dogs are smart animals and will often single out one person to follow, sometimes even to the exclusion of others. This usually indicates that this person fulfills whatever the dog is looking for.

Sometimes, this person is the primary caregiver who feeds, walks, and plays with the dog. Other times, it is the person who gives out snacks most frequently. Or it could just be the “most fun” person. Dogs get everything they need from people, and they will generally follow the person who takes them to the things they want most.

Why Do Dogs Follow You to the Bathroom?

The simple answer to this question is, “Why not, since I follow you everywhere else?” But it’s not that simple. Dogs have a world of new things to explore when it comes to the bathroom, including the wastebasket. There are all kinds of things in the bathroom that smell intensely like their family members, and it’s great fun to explore these!

Add to this the fact that dogs have an excellent sense of smell, and they do not always match our taste in smells. The array of odors that come from the bathroom can be both intense and intriguing to a dog. So, if you are headed into the bathroom, your dog may see this an excellent opportunity to explore.

Why Do Puppies Follow You Everywhere?

Puppies are a bit of a special case when it comes to following people around. Young dogs rely on their mother to show them the ways of the world, and when they are removed from her and their siblings, their new family becomes their “imprinted” parents. As a result, they will follow you, often closely, to learn what they need to know about their environment.

They are often less confident than older dogs and haven’t learned the proper social skills. These behaviors tend to lessen a bit as they mature and become more confident.

Why Do Older Dogs Follow You Everywhere?

Older dogs may follow their owners purely out of familiarity and habit. However, if this is a new behavior, it may also indicate that things are changing for your dog, making them less confident.

Perhaps your dog is starting to lose their hearing or vision. Or they have started to have joint problems, so they are less independent than they were. Other dogs experience a mental decline—much like Alzheimer’s in people—that makes them become clingy.

If you notice that your senior dog has suddenly started to follow you around, or you see any other changes in their behavior, schedule a veterinary visit to look for the underlying problem.

Why Is My Dog Suddenly Following Me Everywhere?

If your dog has always been a confident, independent dog and has suddenly become clingy, there’s a good chance they are trying to tell you something.

Often, this may mean something is wrong—that they aren’t feeling well or something in their body has changed and is making them less confident, like a loss of sight or hearing. Any time a dog’s behavior changes markedly and suddenly, it is time to schedule a checkup.

Why Is My Newly Adopted Dog Following Me Around?

In most instances, newly adopted dogs won’t feel confident right away since they are in a new situation with new people, and they don’t know the routines and what to expect.

This puts them almost back in puppy mode, as their new people become “mom” and take on the role of showing them the environment and teaching them the expectations for the household. Fortunately, most dogs become less clingy with time as they adjust to the new situation.

Which Dog Breeds Are More Likely to Follow People?

In most cases, it is an individual thing whether a dog choses to follow their people around or not. However, some breeds are known to be “Velcro dogs” and in fact, have been bred to be companions, such as Chihuahuas.

Working dogs, such as Border Collies and Labrador Retrievers, will follow people because they were bred to follow human orders and they are waiting for cues as to what should be done next. Other dogs, like Terriers, are quite a bit more independent and are much more likely to go off and do their own thing.

Is It a Problem That My Dog Follows Me Everywhere?

It may or may not be an issue if your dog follows you everywhere. Many people don’t mind having their dogs always underfoot, while other people can’t stand it. Or it could be a safety issue where you might easily trip over your dog.

In the ideal situation, your dog follows you as a companion but not to the point of being annoying, and at the same time, you can separate yourself from your dog without producing anxiety.

Some dogs are perfectly fine when separated from their owners. If your dog panics when they are separated from you, this is concerning and should be treated. Clearly, if your dog is repeatedly tripping you, this is a problem that should be addressed. If both you and your dog are content with the situation, and your dog doesn’t panic when you leave, then it is a good balance.

What to Do If Your Dog Always Follows You Around

If you feel that your dog follows you too much, or panics when they can’t follow you, it’s time to take action. It will help to consult your veterinarian for advice, particularly if your dog becomes overly anxious when separated from you.

The first step is to make sure your dog is getting plenty of exercise. A tired dog is usually a content dog and less likely to continually follow their owners.

Next, look at your role in the behavior. Are you reinforcing it in any way? Do you look at your dog when they follow you, or pay your dog attention or give them treats? This simply encourages your dog to follow you. Even scolding your dog (which you should not do) is a form of attention and inadvertently rewards the activity.

If your dog is bored, provide plenty of food puzzles, toys, and activities near their dog bed to encourage them to spend some alone time there.

If you switch your expectations and totally ignore your dog while they are following you and only pay attention or give treats once your dog has settled in another area, you will start to break the habit of trailing you to “get” something. In many cases, training helps. Teaching your dog commands like “stay” and “place” will show them it’s okay to be left in an area that you consider safe.

Dogs that lack confidence or become anxious will need some encouragement and training to feel it’s okay to be left alone, and that you—as the primary person the dog follows—feel it’s safe for them to stay in a kennel or dog bed when asked to.

In many cases, dogs simply need to have rules and expectations set for them, and then the remainder of the pack (the household) must stick by those rules for the dog to feel accepted and confident. It is also helpful to have other people walk your dog regularly and provide meals and treats. This helps reduce the focus on a single person and divides the duties up among the “pack.”

There is a wide range of acceptable dog behaviors in this department, but it is important to find a middle ground where you are comfortable with the amount of following, and your dog is comfortable and secure enough to be with the pack or alone sometimes.

Featured Image: iStock.com/KristinaKibler


Sandra C. Mitchell, DVM, DABVP


Sandra Mitchell is a 1995 graduate of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine.Since graduation, she has worked in many fields...

Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere? (2024)


Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere? ›

If your dog follows you everywhere then it's a sign that they trust and love you and that you make them feel safe. Following you very closely can be a sign that they're bored, they want something, they're feeling scared or are just being nosy.

Why does my dog follow me everywhere everyday? ›

Dogs are smart animals and will often single out one person to follow, sometimes even to the exclusion of others. This usually indicates that this person fulfills whatever the dog is looking for. Sometimes, this person is the primary caregiver who feeds, walks, and plays with the dog.

Why is my dog so clingy? ›

Dogs that are 'clingy' may have separation anxiety. Sudden onset can be health related, change of schedule, not enough attention, stress, fear, old age, 'heat' You can introduce other dogs and people to your pup regularly so doesn't become only overly attached to you.

Do dogs pick a favorite person? ›

The short answer is yes, most dogs do have favorite people. As social animals, dogs tend to be happiest and healthiest with company. And because domesticated pets depend on their people to meet virtually all their needs—food, shelter, and even access to the bathroom—these dog-human bonds are strong.

Can a dog get too attached to one person? ›

For the most part, a dog that favours just one person in the family isn't really a problem. However, some members of the household might be disappointed if the dog doesn't appear to like them! In addition, if the dog becomes over-attached to one person, this can cause issues when that person has to go out.

How do you know if your dog is clingy? ›

Clingy dogs tend to stay very close to their human and show signs of stress, like pacing, whining, or destructive behavior, when they are away from their select human(s). When away from their person for extended periods, they may become listless and lose interest in games and food.

What are the 7 behaviors are signs that a dog has imprinted on their human? ›

They mirror your behaviors. They follow your commands more readily than they do other people's. They check in with you frequently when in new environments or situations. They are constantly seeking out your companionship and affection.

What does a clingy dog look like? ›

It's where your dog is never more than a few inches from your side (often touching you), following you from room to room, standing up when you stand up, always under foot, constantly looking to you for direction… “What's our next move, Mom?” A “clingy” dog is not to be confused with a dog who has separation anxiety, ...

Why do dogs sleep with their bum facing you? ›

If your dog does this, it means they trust you. And, if they keep their bum toward your face, it shows that you make them feel safe. Your dog also wants to keep you safe and secure, which is why they plant their rumps where they do. This allows them to monitor the entire room and be ready for action if it's warranted.

What does it mean when a dog chooses to sleep with you? ›

It provides them with a reliable place to lay their head and sense safety. This desire to sleep with you is likely a natural instinct to stay close for safety and secureness. You being the head of household or of certain authority to your dog, they feel the most secure in your presence.

How do dogs choose alpha human? ›

As social animals, dogs choose the person or people who give them plenty of love, attention, and positive experiences. Let your dog be a dog and enjoy hanging out with and being in that person's presence, whether it's you or someone else. But don't give up on being one of the favorites!

What does it mean when your dog follows you into the bathroom? ›

If your dog follows you into the bathroom, it's likely a result of their animal instinct and pack mentality. Canines who do this are referred to as “Velcro dogs,” due to their desire to be attached to your side. They may follow you around, even to the bathroom, to protect a part of their pack.

What does it mean when a dog imprints on you? ›

A dog's imprinting means it has trusted its owner, formed a strong and loving attachment to them and is continuing to learn about the world with its guidance. Filial imprinting is a social attachment between an animal (such as a dog) and a parental object, forming a bond that helps the animal survive and grow.

Why won't my dog leave my side all of a sudden? ›

These dogs are at risk of developing social or separation anxiety, fear aggression, or other behavioral issues. If your dog follows only you, and refuses to interact with other humans, this can be a sign of anxiety in your dog. They may cry or pace anxiously if you, the light of their life, is not in their sight.

Why do dogs get attached to one person? ›

Your pup may see this person as a source of food, shelter, safety, or simply as the most fun. Seen as the provider, his "dogs favorite person" may be the one who has access to all the pet supplies and time to play and develop positive reinforcement-based memories with the furry friend.

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.