Why is My Pregnant Wife So Angry? 5 Possible Reasons (2024)

Pregnancy is a period when a woman is filled with and anxiety, fears, and expectation and sometimes filled with an unnecessary outburst.

This is usually a period that takes a toll on a woman’s body, you get to experience a lot of changes in your hair, and swollen feet, nausea, and even mood swings, and all these are not easy to deal with.

In this article, we will be giving insightful answers to your question why is my pregnant wife so angry? and what you can do to help her manage her emotions during pregnancy.

Why is My Pregnant Wife So Angry?

Hormones are usually the most common cause of anxiety during pregnancy. As a pregnant woman enters her first trimester her body changes to support the growing baby inside of her, her body hormones tend to fluctuate.

All these hormonal changes can lead to more intense feelings, conflicting emotions, and frequent mood swings. Stress also is another common factor that can cause a woman to be angry.

There are few circ*mstances in life as life-changing as welcoming a newborn into your home. As exciting as it sounds, the journey and stress of the unknown can also cause pressure to run high and impact your ability to control your anger.

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5 Reasons Why Your Pregnant Wife Maybe Angry and What You Can Do

Why is My Pregnant Wife So Angry? 5 Possible Reasons (1)

1. Hormonal Changes

As a concerned partner who is keen on finding out why your partner is so angry during pregnancy. The first you should know about anger during pregnancy is that it can be attributed to fluctuating pregnancy hormones.

During pregnancy, there are series of hormonal changes. The body of the woman is prepared to shield the developing fetus and this work is mediated by the action of the hormones in the woman’s body.

These hormonal changes during this gestation period or period of pregnancy may trigger regular mood swings, ultra-sensitivity, strong and intense feelings.

Usually, the anger surges or bouts can be traced to something upsetting that may have occurred earlier.

So when next time you see your partner angry try and understand that hormonal fluctuations may be playing out and she is reacting to it.

Even when the causative issue is so trivial, do not blame her or react badly towards her, she is just responding to hormonal fluctuations.

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Keep in mind, if her pregnancy anger and mood swings are consistently on increase or duration longer than two weeks, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

2. Stress

Another cause of anger outbursts during pregnancy could be stress. It is common to feel stressed or physically discomfort during pregnancy.

Pregnancy on its own comes with discomfort. You are double and whatever you are doing is meant for two, the exercises, eating, dieting, and other things.

As a husband whose wife is angry, you just have to try alleviating the source of stress and make your partner feel appreciated.

Sometimes inadequate rest and lack of sleep could be contributing factors to stress in pregnancy and a reason for aggression.

In a situation like this, what do you do as a partner? Try helping out and make sure that preggy wifey eats healthy and gets enough rest.

Sometimes an unsupportive partner, an overload of work, job-related stress, and financial worries could be the brain behind the anger.

As a concerned partner what you do is; find out what triggers the stress and try as much as possible to reduce it to the barest minimum because stress can have lots of negative effects on the pregnancy aside from the anger bouts and explodes.

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3. Fear

Fear of the unknown or the future could be another cause for anger during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a period filled with uncertainties; a woman who is pregnant may be concerned about the smooth progress of her pregnancy.

The fear of complications during labor, the health and safety of her unborn baby, or any probable complication or illness may be reasons for her fear. All these can be overwhelming or have toiled on a woman especially if she has no one to share her fears with.

If she has no one to calm her down and reassure her that everything will be fine you know what happens next? Anger may become a possible reaction for her.

4. Discomfort

The period of gestation is associated with a certain amount of discomfort and this is an inevitable reality during pregnancy.

The reason for the discomfort experienced is nothing short of the physical transitions that take place during this critical period in a woman’s life.

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Pregnant women normally experience sickness and it may make them overreact and the next that happens is an anger outburst.

Also, nausea and fatigue among other things can be triggering factors for anger during pregnancy.

This discomfort feeling can lead to irritability or mood swings like anger at unexpected times, especially if the cause of discomfort is not properly dealt with.

So as the partner what you do at this point is to identify the source of discomfort and help her deal with it.

Show her that you have got her back. Engage her in light walks and exercises that will help her release endorphins and manage her mood swings.

Be attentive to her silent needs, show her that you understand what she’s going through and she will become calmer. Treat her like an egg and make excuses for her outbursts.

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5. Not Being Ready For the Baby

Sometimes a pregnancy may be unplanned and a woman may not be psychologically and emotionally ready to have a child but since the deed has been done, she can’t rewind the hands of the clock. This could make her get angry unnecessarily especially at her partner.

At this stage, as the husband, you’ve got to handle her with care as she might be going through a lot and if handled in the wrong way, it may affect the bonding between a mother and her baby.

Help regain her sanity, be there for her and make her realize that it is a journey for two and not one, that the both of you are in it together and you will calm her fears.

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We hope this article has given you indebt knowledge to answer your question why is my pregnant wife so angry? So it is now left to you to discover what her reasons are and help her.

It is at this stage that she needs you more than ever and I believe that with you as the partner knowing what to do will help manage the situation better.

I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of pregnancy-related topics, particularly the emotional and physiological changes that women undergo during this crucial period. I've extensively studied the impact of hormones, stress, fear, discomfort, and emotional readiness on pregnant women. My knowledge is rooted in both academic research and practical experience, making me well-equipped to shed light on the complexities of pregnancy.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

1. Hormonal Changes:

  • Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, play a significant role in mood swings, ultra-sensitivity, and intense feelings.
  • The article emphasizes the importance of understanding and attributing anger to hormonal changes during pregnancy.

2. Stress:

  • Stress is identified as a common cause of anger during pregnancy.
  • The physical discomfort of carrying a baby, coupled with the pressure of the unknown journey ahead, can contribute to heightened stress levels.
  • The partner is advised to identify and alleviate sources of stress, including inadequate rest, lack of sleep, job-related stress, and financial worries.

3. Fear:

  • The fear of the unknown or complications during pregnancy, labor, or the health of the unborn baby can lead to anger.
  • Lack of reassurance and support may amplify these fears, making anger a possible reaction for the pregnant woman.

4. Discomfort:

  • Pregnancy comes with inevitable physical discomfort due to the physiological transitions in a woman's body.
  • Nausea, fatigue, and other discomforts can trigger irritability and mood swings, resulting in anger.
  • Partners are advised to identify and address the sources of discomfort, offering support and understanding.

5. Not Being Ready For the Baby:

  • Unplanned pregnancies can lead to emotional unpreparedness, causing unnecessary anger, especially towards the partner.
  • Partners are encouraged to handle the situation with care, support the woman emotionally, and reassure her that they are in the journey together.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into the various factors contributing to a pregnant woman's anger and offers practical advice for partners on how to understand, support, and manage these emotions. It emphasizes the importance of empathy, communication, and active involvement in addressing the challenges that come with pregnancy.

Why is My Pregnant Wife So Angry? 5 Possible Reasons (2024)


Why is My Pregnant Wife So Angry? 5 Possible Reasons? ›

Some people experience irritability and anger during pregnancy. Hormonal changes are one reason for these mood swings. Additionally, when you aren't feeling well, your ability to stay calm decreases. As a result, pregnancy fatigue and physical discomfort are big contributors to pregnancy anger.

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You may find that you are having arguments with your partner while you're pregnant. Some arguments may have nothing to do with the pregnancy, but others may be caused by feeling worried about the future and how you're going to cope. It's important to talk with your partner about how you're feeling.

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Just be there, show that you care, understand that she can't do much about it either, and don't rise to the bait." "Basically, sympathy is what's needed. Everything she's feeling during the first few months of pregnancy is exaggerated.

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But there are some common reasons why you may argue more when you're pregnant. Perhaps: You feel your partner is less interested in the pregnancy than you are. The baby doesn't seem real to you or your partner.

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Some of the stressful events were more strongly associated with stillbirth than were others. For example, the risk of stillbirth was highest: for women who had been in a fight(which doubled the chances for stillbirth) if she had heard her partner say he didn't want her to be pregnant.

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  1. Encourage and reassure her.
  2. Ask her what she needs from you.
  3. Show affection. Hold hands and give hugs.
  4. Help her make changes to her lifestyle. ...
  5. Try to eat healthy foods, which can help her eat well.
  6. Encourage her to take breaks and naps. ...
  7. Some women may want less sex. ...
  8. Take walks together.

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Some people cope with these changes easily, while others find it harder. It's quite common for couples to have arguments every now and then during pregnancy.

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Keep in mind that pregnancy anger and other mood swings are quite common and can occur anytime during pregnancy. If you start feeling sad or angry or anxious, you can always ask your ob-gyn for some advice.

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Pregnant women and heavy lifting don't go together due to strains on their backs. So take the load off her as much as you can. Encourage good lifestyle choices. You can help your partner to eat more healthily, and make sure you reduce the risk of any infections they might get from foods.

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In a follow-up across pregnancy, the fetuses of the high-anger women were noted to be more active and to experience growth delays. The high-anger mothers' high prenatal cortisol and adrenaline and low dopamine and serotonin levels were mimicked by their neonates' high cortisol and low dopamine levels.

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Researchers from the Kochi Medical School in Japan found that verbal abuse during pregnancy is linked to an almost 50 per cent increase in the risk of a baby being born with hearing problems. The stress that comes from verbal abuse could cause major problems for the unborn baby in the future.

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Scientists found that being subjected to shouting and verbal abuse can trigger a neuroendocrine change in the woman, which can decrease blood flow to the uterus.

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Babies are very aware of any friction between the people around them. Arguments and upsets are not good for your baby's brain development, both before and after they are born. It makes it harder for them to feel safe and secure and build strong bonds.

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Horvitz adds that an infant who experiences “repeated yelling out of anger” may struggle with the following: Problems appropriately attaching to their caregiver, which can impact future connections to others, the environment and their own autonomy. Emotional regulation.

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Symptoms are things you feel yourself that others can't see, like having a sore throat or feeling dizzy. The most common symptom of stillbirth is when you stop feeling your baby moving and kicking. Others include cramps, pain or bleeding from the vagin*.

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While excessive stress isn't good for your overall health, there's no evidence that stress results in miscarriage. About 10% to 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But the actual number is likely higher because many miscarriages occur before the pregnancy is recognized.

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It's also natural to feel worried about losing time for yourself and your partner. Pregnancy can lead to stronger emotions too. These might include fear, anger, anxiety and depression. You could be experiencing these emotions for the first time.

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Babies are very aware of any friction between the people around them. Arguments and upsets are not good for your baby's brain development, both before and after they are born. It makes it harder for them to feel safe and secure and build strong bonds.

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But there's some evidence that men and non-birthing parents may experience hormone changes too. Many men and partners experience stress, anxiety or depression during their partner's pregnancy or after their baby is born. Find out more about how pregnancy can affect dads and partners.

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.